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The LEAP project is specifically working with Ms. Starrfield, a sighted high school math teacher. In her first few years of teaching, she found it increasingly time consuming to hand transcribe her student’s work from braille to print. Because of the intricacies of math braille, she would spend countless hours hand-transcribing student work into print for grading. She approached the LEAP team in the hopes of developing a braille transcription device that would interface with the Perkins Brailler, a mechanical braille typewriter. After a few semesters of design, a device has been developed that is located in the trough of the Perkins, collecting student inputs as they complete their schoolwork. The inputs are then sent through a transcription algorithm and displayed on a web application in print to be viewed by the sighted teacher. On the web application, the teacher is then able to save, edit, and share student work. This is beneficial not only to the teachers at ISBVI, but also could be valuable in a public school setting for teachers new to braille.

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